Electronica si Layout PCB


We automate and develop the electronic industry using the expertise of our qualified engineers.

Automation and testing services for electronic applications

At SelfLAB, we offer support for companies in the electronic industry, to integrate the analysis, control and measurement of the parameters of developed products. Additionally, we help companies carry out design verification, subset and final product testing in production. Our mission is to develop technologies specific to the systems used by our customers. Discover the processes we offer support for below.


Testing and validation automation

Long design cycles reduce the time available for validation and verification processes. In order to help testing engineers, we supply flexible and efficient solutions for carrying out complex project testing in a timely manner.


Testing system architectures

The increasing demand for innovation in electronic products has generated an accelerated development in the semiconductor industry. By integrating and automating testing equipment, we offer a means of efficient data collection, precise process or tool control and we support optimization efforts and project releases.

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Sensor data acquisition

Electronic products are increasing their complexity exponentially. This phenomenon puts huge pressure on engineering teams to develop increasingly complex sensors and products, to meet market expectations. Thanks to the statistical analysis of the data collected from products and sensors in the design phase, it is possible to validate and launch high-quality products faster.

At SelfLAB, we support companies in the electronic industry, in order to streamline the testing, measurement and control processes within their own systems, using advanced automation solutions.

Automatizare Testare EMC